Tuesday, March 4, 2008

S.T. - “Redneck Vol. 5” c10 (Alienated Hominid)

S.T. is the ridiculously harsh alter ego of Kelso, Washington’s Suicidal Tendons. Here he lays down two short chunks of brutaller than thou harsh noise. The first piece is called “Stove”. After about a minute of what sounds like getting everything plugged in and preparing contact mics, S.T. lays the hammer down and pummells with thick walls of pure sound for the last 4 minutes. The saturation is almost unbearable in its extremity. The second piece, “Eye” picks up right where “Stove” left off and doesn’t let up for another 5 minutes. ALIENATED HOMINID realy did a great job with this release. The tape is dubbed nice and loud and the artwork is well put together and very fitting of a recording as menacing and heavy as the one supplied by S.T. If unrelenting DIY harsh noise is your thing then I strongly advise contacting S.T. or the label to see if this is still available.
alianatedhominidrecordings.com & barfingdagger@wheelweb.com


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